storyteller bruce_chatwin

In The Footsteps Of Bruce Chatwin

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Perhaps the greatest storyteller of his generation, Bruce Chatwin’s five books reinvented the genre of travel writing. “The nature of human restlessness” was his abiding obsession, and this major two-part biography, filmed across five continents, written and presented by NICHOLAS SHAKESPEARE, reveals a highly charismatic, but contradictory figure.

Part 1 – Chatwin’s childhood and the books “In Patagonia” and “On The Black Hill”.
Part 2 –  “The Viceroy of Oiudah”, “The Songlines”, “Utz”, and Chatwin’s death.

An exploration of where Chatwin’s fiction meets the truth of his life, with ELIZABETH CHATWIN, SALMAN RUSHDIE, WERNER HERZOG, THOMAS KENEALLY, MURRAY BAIL, ROBYN DAVIDSON and many others.

Directed by PAUL YULE


‘More than a great journey … a completely new world of ideas’


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